
October 6, 2011 in Peptide

MLP tastes as sweet as gingerbread cookies presenting Insulin.

Monday, the 23rd of October in Mrs Grant’s second grade class at Oxford Elementary School, thanks to Britta Fluevog (BA Sculpture, NSCAD) and Laura Foster (BSc DAL), we were guided into that tadpole-shaped yellow body behind the stomach called the “pancreas” where insulin is made.  The importance of insulin in the disease diabetes was illustrated by Laura as the students guessed the symptoms portrayed by different cartoon characters indicative of high and low blood sugar.  Using the power of cookie dough, Britta showed how nature turns a snake-shaped linear peptide into the ladder shape of Insulin.  Everyone made and tasted yummy insulin-inspired ladder cookies as we chatted about Frederick Grant Banting, the Canadian who discovered insulin and was later awarded the Nobel Prize for this discovery. With nine more peptides to go, MLP thanked team Insulin for a sweet taste of MLP creativity at Oxford.


Britta Fluevog (BA Sculpture, NSCAD) and Laura Foster (BSc DAL), presenting the effects of high and low blood sugar.


Insulin-inspired Ladder Cookies


Finding the Pancreas


Thumbs-up for Insulin-Inspired Ladder Cookies and MLP!